Posted by: chumanfoo | February 3, 2006

Golden Ribbons

There’s an obscure old protest song from the 60’s called “Golden Ribbons” by Loggins and Messina. Oddly enough (for popular music and for the 60s) the chorus repeats a bible verse in a very thoughtful manner. “What does it avail a man to gain a fortune and lose his soul”.

Here’s a link to iTunes and Amazon.
Here’s the Bible reference: Mt26:16
Its about fighting materialism in our lives. Are we each doing our part to resist the forces that cause us to keep wanting more and more?

This song was made just after the “hippie” days. People used to be willing to stand up for a cause. On one hand these guys might have just wanted to get on the protest song bandwagon. But on the other hand I think people really do want to say something and have an effect on the world in a good way.

The “me generation” that followed evolved into the “yuppies” then into us. According to president Bush, we’re “addicted to oil”.

People driving huge SUVs might feel like they’re safe in there and forget the rest of the poor slobs who have drive smaller cars. I like to think that when people drive gas/electric hybrid vehicles or compact cars that get good gas mileage they’re doing to help reduce pollution and our dependency on foreign oil imports.

Plato said: “Poverty consists not in the decrease of one’s possession but in the increase of one’s greed.” Who really is the poor slob?

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